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{title=A New Era of Employee Engagement: Introducing CXApp's Global Virtual Campus!, date=September 20, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Employee Engagement], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Featured%20Image%20-%20GVC%20Blog.png, snippet=In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workplaces, staying connected, informed, and engaged has never been more crucial. Enter CXApp's Workplace SuperAppTM, the unparalleled choice of enterprise companies as the number one workplace and employee ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/a-new-era-of-employee-engagement-introducing-cxapps-global-virtual-campus, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceEmployee Engagement
A New Era of Employee Engagement: Introducing CXApp's Global Virtual Campus!
{title=Benefits of Space Utilization Software in the Hybrid Workplace, date=June 22, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Hybrid Work], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Solutions%20to%20Common%20Hybrid%20Space%20Utilization%20Pitfalls.png, snippet=In response to the pandemic-induced economic upheaval in mid-2020, enterprise organizations have become increasingly consumed with identifying new approaches towards business sustainability., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/solutions-to-common-hybrid-space-utilization-pitfalls, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechHybrid Work
Benefits of Space Utilization Software in the Hybrid Workplace
{title=How to Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the Workplace, date=May 29, 2023, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Employee Engagement], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Copy%20of%20Blog%20-%20Embedded%20Images%20-%20Workplace%20Needs.png, snippet=Have you ever wondered why some people are so much more engaged and satisfied at work than others? In a quarterly survey of 15,000 workers conducted by Gallup, only 32% of full and part-time employees were engaged at work., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-in-the-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceEmployee Engagement
How to Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the Workplace
{title=The Great Consolidation: Streamlining Workplace Technology for Better Employee Experiences, date=May 23, 2023, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Workplace Trends], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/Copy%20of%20Blog%20-%20Embedded%20Images%20-%20Great%20Consolidation.png, snippet=Modernization of employee experiences has pushed the workplace technology stack towards what we like to call ‘The Great Consolidation.’ Enterprises, and the employees that power them, have developed unique needs. Sometimes these needs are in ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/app-consolidation-streamlining-workplace-technology, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechWorkplace Trends
The Great Consolidation: Streamlining Workplace Technology for Better Employee Experiences
{title=How to Build a Connected Workplace with IoT Technology, date=May 10, 2023, author=Adam Benson, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Copy%20of%20Blog%20-%20Embedded%20Images%20-%20Connected%20Workplace.png, snippet=The modern workplace is evolving and so are the needs of employees. The paradigm of a fixed workstation between the hours of nine to five is being replaced by a desire for dynamic and cooperative work cultures that encourage flexibility and ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/connected-workplace-iot-technology, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechHybrid Work
How to Build a Connected Workplace with IoT Technology
{title=The Evolution of the Employee App: From EventTech to Worktech, date=May 02, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20-%20Embedded%20Images%20-%20App%20Overload-2.png, snippet=Workplace experience has undergone significant transformation over the years. With technology revolutionizing the workplace, the way we collaborate, conduct business, and even interact with our team members has dramatically changed. From the first ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/eventtech-worktech-evolution-of-the-employee-app, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=How to Improve the Employee Journey in a Hybrid Workplace, date=April 12, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Hybrid Work, Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Image_%20The%20Hybrid%20Workplace%20Employee%20Journey%20Draft%20-%20Copy.png, snippet=While hybrid work is becoming more commonplace these days, it has a decades-spanning history and is not actually a new phenomenon, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/improve-employee-journey-hybrid-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceHybrid WorkEmployee Engagement
How to Improve the Employee Journey in a Hybrid Workplace
{title=What Is a Workplace SuperApp & How Does It Improve Employee Experience?, date=March 30, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20SuperApp-1.png, snippet=When WeChat and Alipay came to be touted as “super apps”, it was because they offered a seamless and integrated experience to their users, eliminating the need to switch between multiple apps to perform daily tasks. Apps for shopping, ordering food, ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-workplace-superapps-improve-employee-experience, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceEmployee App
What Is a Workplace SuperApp & How Does It Improve Employee Experience?
{title=Hybrid Work Learnings from the Credit Suisse & SVB Downfall, date=March 28, 2023, author=Khurram Sheikh, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work, Employee Engagement, Return to Office], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/CXApp%20-%20Hybrid%20Work%20-%20What%20Makes%20It%20Work-1.png, snippet=The financial markets have been rocked the last few weeks with the collapse of two very well-known banks with different DNAs - the darling of Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and the Swiss powerhouse Credit Suisse (CS). It’s interesting to ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/hybrid-work-learnings-credit-suisse-svb, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Hybrid WorkEmployee EngagementReturn to Office
Hybrid Work Learnings from the Credit Suisse & SVB Downfall
{title=The Very Real Problem of App Overload in the Workplace, date=March 21, 2023, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Productivity & Collaboration], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Featured%20Image%20-%20App%20Overload.png, snippet=Why App Overload is Hurting Employees and How to Fix It, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/app-overload-in-the-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Productivity & Collaboration
The Very Real Problem of App Overload in the Workplace
{title=KINS Technology Group, Inc. Is Now CXApp, date=March 14, 2023, author=Khurram Sheikh, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Screenshot%202023-03-11%20at%2012.37.49%20PM.png, snippet=Today it was publicly announced that the enterprise app division of Inpixon has been acquired by KINS Technology Group Inc (Nasdaq: KINZ), a special purpose acquisition corporation., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/kins-technology-group-inc.-is-now-cxapp, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechHybrid Work
KINS Technology Group, Inc. Is Now CXApp
{title=Top Workplace Experience Trends to Focus on in 2023, date=March 14, 2023, author=Khurram Sheikh, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Workplace Trends], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20WX%20Trends.png, snippet=2023 is well underway, which means it’s a new year for business. What will employers and workplaces be focusing on most this year? While it’s nearly impossible to predict what will happen, and there are never any guarantees, there is evidence some ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/top-workplace-experience-trends, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceWorkplace Trends
Top Workplace Experience Trends to Focus on in 2023
{title=How to Work In a Flex Desk Environment Successfully, date=March 14, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/How%20to%20Work%20In%20a%20Flex%20Desk%20Environment%20Successfully.png, snippet=Understandably, discussions have centered on hybrid workplaces, as companies reopen campus doors to workers. Because the workforce will be spread across many locations, on-site and off, office space will be handled differently. Unassigned ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-to-work-in-a-flex-desk-environment-successfully, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
How to Work In a Flex Desk Environment Successfully
{title=The Workplace Experience Manager Role & Responsibilities, date=March 14, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Roles%20&%20Responsibilities%20The%20Workplace%20Experience%20Manager.png, snippet=Building a strong, fun, and productive company culture that employees want to be a part of is a pre-requisite for the modern workplace experience., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/roles-responsibilities-the-workplace-experience-manager, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
The Workplace Experience Manager Role & Responsibilities
{title=What is Delegate Desk Booking in the Workplace?, date=March 13, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20Delegate%20Desk%20Booking%20%281%29.png, snippet=While the past few years saw a massive increase in remote and hybrid work situations, things are winding down and, for better or worse, returning to normal. Many companies are now trying to coax employees back into the office to foster collaboration ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/what-is-delegate-desk-booking, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
What is Delegate Desk Booking in the Workplace?
{title=The Ultimate Guide to Indoor Maps for Enterprise Offices, date=March 13, 2023, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Enterprise%20Maps.png, snippet=You may be wondering, what are indoor maps and why do they matter? Where do they fit into smart buildings? Office mapping actually plays a monumental role in the creation of smart spaces for enterprise offices - they are the starting point for any ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/ultimate-guide-to-indoor-maps-for-enterprises, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=What is Office Hoteling & How Can it Benefit the Workplace?, date=March 12, 2023, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20Office%20Hoteling.png, snippet=The pandemic has changed the corporate office as we know it. Today, many organizations are moving towards a hybrid workplace model. Whether an employee is working remotely, in the office or a mixture of both, there's no longer the need for every ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/benefits-of-office-hoteling, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
What is Office Hoteling & How Can it Benefit the Workplace?
{title=The Impact of Hybrid Work on Corporate Real Estate, date=March 12, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work, Corporate Real Estate], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/The%20Impact%20of%20Hybrid%20Work%20on%20Corporate%20Real%20Estate.png, snippet=The hybrid workplace is top of mind for many organizations as they're figuring out how best to operate during the pandemic. There's a lot to consider when it comes to the physical office, as employee preferences are changing and new COVID-19 ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/impact-hybrid-work-corporate-real-estate, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Hybrid WorkCorporate Real Estate
The Impact of Hybrid Work on Corporate Real Estate
{title=Desk Management in the Workplace: Roles & Responsibilities, date=March 12, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20Flex%20Desk.png, snippet=For the workplace to recover, expectations need to continue to evolve to support a changing office environment. Remote work opportunities will continue to exist alongside standard in-office opportunities, and collectively they will foster a bevy of ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/desk-management-in-the-workplace-roles-and-responsibilities, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
Desk Management in the Workplace: Roles & Responsibilities
{title=9 Ways Companies Are Using Wayfinding Software, date=March 12, 2023, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/9%20Ways%20Companies%20Are%20Using%20Wayfinding%20Software.png, snippet=Wayfinding technology has increasingly become an invaluable tool on corporate campuses around the world. In a workplace experience platform, wayfinding goes far beyond simple navigational cues showing users how to find their way from point A to ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/ways-companies-are-using-wayfinding-software, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=9 Effective Ways to Keep Your Hybrid Workforce Engaged, date=March 11, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work, Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/12%20effective%20featured%20square-1.jpg, snippet=We can all agree, the pivot to a hybrid workplace and remote work has significantly impacted employee experience. What worked before to keep employees engaged in the office is less relevant with each passing day. Employees were attracted to on-site ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/effective-ways-to-keep-hybrid-workforce-engaged, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Hybrid WorkEmployee Engagement
9 Effective Ways to Keep Your Hybrid Workforce Engaged
{title=What are the Benefits of an Employee Mobile App?, date=March 11, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/What%20are%20the%20Benefits%20of%20an%20Employee%20Mobile%20App.png, snippet=According to the Workplace Mobility Report, 63% of global enterprises regard mobility as the most significant factor contributing to competitive advantage. Increasingly, companies are leaning towards employee experience platforms to create ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/employee-mobile-app-benefits, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=5 Guidelines for Onboarding Your Hybrid Employees, date=March 11, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/5%20Guidelines%20for%20Onboarding%20Your%20Hybrid%20Employees.png, snippet=When employees first join a company, everything can sometimes feel overwhelming and unfamiliar. This is especially true for hybrid employees, whether they have experience working in a similar environment or not. It's a whole new place, with unique ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/hybrid-employee-onboarding-guidelines, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceHybrid Work
5 Guidelines for Onboarding Your Hybrid Employees
{title=Flexible Workspaces: Types of Seating Arrangements in the Office, date=March 11, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20Flex%20Workspaces.png, snippet=At this point, it's safe to say that healthier workspace guidelines are going to remain in place for quite some time. It has re-ignited what can effectively be called a "de-densification" of the average workplace. Larger open spaces need to be ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/flexible-workspaces-types-of-seating-dominating-the-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
Flexible Workspaces: Types of Seating Arrangements in the Office
{title=3 Key Strategies for Employee Engagement in a Hybrid Workplace, date=March 11, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work, Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/3%20Key%20Strategies%20for%20Employee%20Engagement%20in%20a%20Hybrid%20Workplace.png, snippet=The expectations of the modern workplace have transformed in many ways over the past few years, but the most notable shift has been the move to hybrid work models. While hybrid work looks different for every company, a commonly shared challenge is ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/employee-engagement-strategies-hybrid-work, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Hybrid WorkEmployee Engagement
3 Key Strategies for Employee Engagement in a Hybrid Workplace
{title=Technology Trends in Facility Management for 2023, date=March 11, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Trends, Facility Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Technology%20Trends%20in%20Facility%20Management%20for%202023.png, snippet=With fewer employees, visitors, and people coming and going intermittently on-site, the way we manage facilities has changed. Post-pandemic, workplaces are leaning towards the hybrid model of work, which allows employees to work from home as well as ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/facility-management-technology-trends, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace TrendsFacility Management
Technology Trends in Facility Management for 2023
{title=Why Space Occupancy Metrics Matter in the Return to Office, date=March 11, 2023, author=Adam Benson, types={name=null}, tags=[Return to Office, Facility Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20Occupancy%20Metrics.png, snippet=Occupancy Metric: The occupancy rate, also referred to as a metric, is a KPI used to assess the total capacity of a building or facility. In an office setting, especially with open floor plans, it can help determine space utilization metrics for ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/occupancy-metrics-are-necessary-for-safe-return-to-work-strategies, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Return to OfficeFacility Management
Why Space Occupancy Metrics Matter in the Return to Office
{title=A Day In the Life: The Connected Employee, date=March 11, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Infographic%20Blog.png, snippet=Companies are offering employees innovative and immersive experiences that enhance the employee experience. These experiences are mobile, smart, social, engaging, and meaningful to the employee., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/a-day-in-the-life-the-connected-employee, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
A Day In the Life: The Connected Employee
{title=Top Trends in CRE Technology Redefining Workplace Experience, date=March 11, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Trends, Corporate Real Estate], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Top%20Trends%20in%20CRE%20Technology%20Redefining%20Workplace%20Experience-1-1.png, snippet=Hybrid work is changing corporate real estate (CRE)., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/cre-technology-trends-redefining-workplace-experience, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace TrendsCorporate Real Estate
Top Trends in CRE Technology Redefining Workplace Experience
{title=Why is Hybrid Work So Valuable to Employees?, date=March 11, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/woman%20laughing%20while%20using%20computer%20hybrid%20work%20square-1.jpg, snippet=Over the last 2 years, market changes, and high-profile events — the pandemic included — became a catalyst for new working conditions, and both hybrid work and remote work opportunities became viable. But while hybrid workplaces and hybrid work ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/why-employees-want-hybrid-work, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=5 Ways a Mobile-First Workplace Improves Employee Experience, date=March 11, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Featured-%205%20Ways%20a%20Mobile-First%20Approach%20Improves%20Employee%20Experience%20%20%282%29-1.png, snippet=The rise of the use of mobile coupled with the digital workplace has transformed the employee experience, and organizations are prioritizing mobile in their corporate strategy more than ever. In the past, a mobile strategy would be a secondary ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/ways-mobile-first-workplace-improves-employee-experience, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Major Workplace Trends & Challenges for 2023, date=March 11, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Trends], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Major%20Workplace%20Trends%20&%20Challenges.png, snippet=With 2023 in full-swing, it's important to plan for obstacles that we are likely to face in the coming year. The better we anticipate these challenges, the more likely we are to successfully combat them before they become destructive. Let's start by ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/workplace-challenges-trends, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Trends
Major Workplace Trends & Challenges for 2023
{title=Hot Desking, Desk Booking, and What It Means for the Corporate Campus, date=March 11, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-image-hotdesking-1.png, snippet=Desk booking is quickly becoming one of the best solutions for enhancing work environments and tailoring them to a more hybrid workforce., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/hot-desking-desk-booking-and-what-it-means-for-the-corporate-campus, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
Hot Desking, Desk Booking, and What It Means for the Corporate Campus
{title=How to Create a Seamless Hybrid Work Environment, date=March 11, 2023, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/What%20is%20Office%20Hoteling%20and%20How%20Can%20it%20Benefit%20the%20Workplace.png, snippet=Welcome to the great work-from-anywhere divide. As workers distance themselves from the office more and more, a divide has appeared in equitable experiences. Employee equity and the average employee experience are going to suffer unless we do ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/achieving-equity-how-to-create-a-seamless-hybrid-work-environment, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=What's the Secret to the Happiest Companies & Employees?, date=March 10, 2023, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-secrets-of-happy-employees-featuredimage-1.png, snippet=Robert Half, the world's first and largest specialist staffing firm, recently published a white paper report on the factors that drive happiness in companies and employees. The survey is based on the results of more than 12,000 workers in the United ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/employee-happiness-whats-the-secret, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
What's the Secret to the Happiest Companies & Employees?
{title=The Neighborhood Office Concept: Desks, People, & Communities, date=March 10, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking, Productivity & Collaboration], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Inpixon-Blog-Image-Office-Cubicles-Jul-21-2020-01-18-45-52-AM.png, snippet=Why is the neighborhood baker always complaining? Because he has a crumby job. Excellent pun, right? We'll get back to that., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/neighborhood-office-concept-desks-people-the-communities-they-create, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room BookingProductivity & Collaboration
The Neighborhood Office Concept: Desks, People, & Communities
{title=Meeting Obstacles & How To Overcome Them, date=March 09, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Productivity & Collaboration], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/shutterstock_245052589.jpg, snippet=6 Tech-Savvy Solutions to Make You a Meeting Planning Pro, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/meeting-obstacles-and-how-to-overcome-them, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Productivity & Collaboration
Meeting Obstacles & How To Overcome Them
{title=Smart Desk Management in the Modern Workplace, date=March 09, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Screen%20Shot%202020-09-24%20at%203_28_38%20PM.png, snippet=In a changing workplace, not every employee needs an assigned desk. Flexible seats and flexible work are on the rise, opening the doors to much needed desk management technology. We've experienced rapid digital transformation these past years. The ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/smart-desking-in-the-office-what-you-need-to-know, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
Smart Desk Management in the Modern Workplace
{title=Understanding the Evolving Business Landscape, date=March 09, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Understanding%20the%20Evolving%20Business%20Landscape%20-%202.png, snippet=The current state of the business world, alongside many social factors, is giving rise to new terminologies, practices, and protocols in the workplace that may have existed previously, but for whatever reason, they've become more prevalent now. Work ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/understanding-the-evolving-business-landscape, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=How A Mobile App Helps Corporate Real Estate with Workplace Re-Entry, date=March 06, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Corporate Real Estate, Return to Office], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/employee%20experience%20in%20the%20workplace%20%282%29-1.png, snippet=One of the biggest challenges facing corporate real estate, right now, is figuring out what to do with traditional office spaces. Whether the pandemic comes to a close or not, and even with the economy opened back up, offices just aren't being ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-a-mobile-app-helps-corporate-real-estate-workplace-re-entry, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Corporate Real EstateReturn to Office
How A Mobile App Helps Corporate Real Estate with Workplace Re-Entry
{title=How to Use Technology to Develop and Sustain Employee Engagement, date=March 04, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Featured%20Sustain.jpg, snippet=Employee engagement is a key part of your long-term growth strategy - when you're able to engage and retain your employees, you can reduce turnover and boost productivity and performance. With a distributed workforce that is on-site, at home or ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-technology-helps-develop-sustain-employee-engagement, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Employee Engagement
How to Use Technology to Develop and Sustain Employee Engagement
{title=Keeping Employees Engaged in a Remote-Work Environment, date=March 04, 2023, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/photo-of-woman-drinking-on-cup-4050454.jpg, snippet=Even before the current times within which we work, many organizations were shifting to remote and home-based work operations. If not full time, more and more people have been allowed to work from home at least one or two days per week, maybe more. ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/keeping-employees-engaged-in-todays-work-from-home-climate, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Employee Engagement
Keeping Employees Engaged in a Remote-Work Environment
{title=Bridging the Gap Between the Physical and Digital Workplace, date=February 03, 2023, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-image-gapbetweenphysicalanddigital-1.png, snippet=According to Kate Lister, President of Global Workplace Analytics, 70% of the workforce will be working remotely at least five days a month by 2025. As more organizations are adopting hybrid workplace models, an important point of consideration is ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/bridging-gap-between-physical-digital-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=How Can AI Be Used in the Workplace?, date=January 10, 2023, author=Adam Benson, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20ai%20in%20the%20workplace.png, snippet=Recent advances in machine learning and natural language processing have transformed the Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape. While still error-prone, language models like those employed by ChatGPT are providing an early glimpse into the ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/ai-in-the-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=5 Ways to Use NFC Tags at Your Next Event, date=October 13, 2022, author=David Preciado, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/5%20Ways%20to%20Use%20NFC%20Tags%20at%20Your%20Next%20Event-1.png, snippet=With so many corporate events happening throughout the year, event managers often need to search for ways to stand out and make their functions and experiences more unique., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/5-ways-to-use-nfc-tags-at-your-next-event, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
5 Ways to Use NFC Tags at Your Next Event
{title=Flex-Desking for Teams: Challenges & Solutions, date=October 13, 2022, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Flex-Desking%20for%20Teams%20Challenges%20&%20Solutions.png, snippet=As many workplaces evolve to offer greater flexibility to their employees — on how, when, and where they'd like to work — flex-desking has become more popular in the modern workspace., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/flex-desking-for-teams-challenges-and-solutions, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
Flex-Desking for Teams: Challenges & Solutions
{title=How to Scale & Manage a Smart Office Using Data, date=August 23, 2022, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/scale%20smart%20office%20data%20using%20laptop%20.png, snippet=A key reason why many companies are struggling to get employees back into the office is that they haven't adapted the office to provide value to employees in today's working world. With evolving employee expectations, creating and implementing a ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-to-scale-manage-smart-office-using-data, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=How an EX App Can Help Solve Return-to-Office Challenges, date=July 27, 2022, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Return to Office, Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Product%20Screenshots%20-%20Experience%20App-2.png, snippet=As employees all around the world have adjusted to remote and hybrid work, organizations are struggling to get them back in the office even a few times a week. In fact, only 28% of leaders have defined their return-to-office plans, including what ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/solving-return-to-office-challenges-employee-experience-app, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Return to OfficeEmployee App
How an EX App Can Help Solve Return-to-Office Challenges
{title=How Aruba Atmosphere Leveraged A Smart Event App, date=July 11, 2022, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Aruba%20-%20Booth%20Image.png, snippet=Hybrid event technology is enhancing events all around the world — and it's becoming a necessity to elevate corporate event programs. In fact, a global study with 3000 respondents found that 71.1% of event organizers find connecting in-person and ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-aruba-atmosphere-leveraged-cxapp-events, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
How Aruba Atmosphere Leveraged A Smart Event App
{title=Why are Enterprises Shifting to a Mobile-First Workplace?, date=June 24, 2022, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Shallow%20Focus%20Photo%20of%20Woman%20Using%20Smartphone%20mobile%20first%20square%20-2.png, snippet=Whether the goal is to stay relevant to customers, employees, or another party, companies have shifted focus to provide intuitive experiences on mobile. Here's why that is., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/why-are-enterprises-shifting-to-a-mobile-first-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechEmployee App
Why are Enterprises Shifting to a Mobile-First Workplace?
{title=Must-Have Features & Capabilities in a Hybrid Events Platform, date=June 09, 2022, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Professional%20Woman%20Looks%20Down%20at%20iPad%20at%20Office.png, snippet=With the rise of hybrid events and growing number of attendees joining them worldwide, there is an increasing complexity in the event planning process. Hybrid event platforms expand what's possible for an event, allowing attendees to join wherever ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/must-have-features-capabilities-in-hybrid-events-platforms, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
Must-Have Features & Capabilities in a Hybrid Events Platform
{title=How Visitor Management Apps Enhance Guest Experiences, date=June 03, 2022, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/two%20women%20shaking%20hands%20visitor%20experience-1.png, snippet=When customers, partners, or prospects are visiting your corporate campus, it is oftentimes one of the first physical interactions they'll have with your organization. Their experience coming to the corporate office can greatly impact their ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-visitor-management-apps-enhance-guest-experiences, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=5 KPIs for Measuring Hybrid Event Success, date=May 24, 2022, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Woman%20in%20Blue%20Long%20Sleeve%20Shirt%20Sitting%20on%20Gray%20Chair%20Smiling%20at%20event-1.png, snippet=Hybrid events are reshaping the possibilities for the future of events. Many event managers are choosing to adopt hybrid events platforms to power these experiences and measure their success through key metrics. This is especially the case as there ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/key-kpis-measuring-hybrid-event-success, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
5 KPIs for Measuring Hybrid Event Success
{title=The Benefits of an App-Powered Hybrid Workplace, date=May 05, 2022, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work, Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Man-sits-at-laptop-working-in-hybrid-office-1.png, snippet=Over the past couple of years, we've seen an unprecedented surge of remote and hybrid work. And while a number of companies have reinstated in-person work, many organizations are considering keeping the hybrid model for good; allowing employees to ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/hybrid-work-benefits-employee-experience-app, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Hybrid WorkEmployee App
The Benefits of an App-Powered Hybrid Workplace
{title=Employee Experience (EX): What it is & How to Get it Right, date=April 22, 2022, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/What%20is%20EX%20and%20How%20to%20Get%20it%20Right%20Featured%20Square.png, snippet=Many are familiar with the concept of customer experience (CX) and how it encompasses a customer's entire journey with a company, from the pre-purchase stage to the post-purchase stage. Similarly, employee experience (EX) is a critical aspect of ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/what-is-employee-experience-how-to-get-it-right, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
Employee Experience (EX): What it is & How to Get it Right
{title=5 Effective Networking Ideas for Hybrid & Virtual Events, date=March 11, 2022, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/5%20Effective%20Networking%20Ideas%20for%20Hybrid%20&%20Virtual%20Events-Mar-09-2023-08-57-22-0848-PM.png, snippet=One of the biggest challenges event planners face is engaging both their in-person and virtual attendees at a hybrid event and getting both groups to network with each other. It's important to create a cohesive environment where everyone feels ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/networking-ideas-hybrid-virtual-events, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
5 Effective Networking Ideas for Hybrid & Virtual Events
{title=How a Mobile App Helps Extend Workplace Experience Beyond the Office, date=March 03, 2022, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Featured%20Image%20-%20Home%20Office%20Blog.png, snippet=During pre-COVID-19 days, the office was a place where employees would work, connect and collaborate with one another. It served as a central location where companies could build their culture and take steps to ensure that it was strong, cohesive ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/employee-apps-extend-workplace-experience-remote-staff, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceEmployee App
How a Mobile App Helps Extend Workplace Experience Beyond the Office
{title=Top 10 Considerations for Organizing Hybrid Events, date=January 21, 2022, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/malte-helmhold-lRVJH0hdDjY-unsplash-1.jpg, snippet=For a time it seemed like the pandemic, and COVID-19, was winding down and might be coming to an end, and then another variant hit, Omicron. It may signal what's to come — more of the same, and more time at home. As a result, many would-be ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/top-10-considerations-organizing-hybrid-events, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
Top 10 Considerations for Organizing Hybrid Events
{title=Advances in Wayfinding Technology for the Workplace, date=December 21, 2021, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/How-Wayfinding-Software-Keeps-Meetings-Starting-on-Time-2.jpg, snippet=Most people born before the '90s likely have a memory from some point of stopping to ask for directions, or picking up one of those 'antique' map books to navigate a road trip. Global Positioning Systems transformed the way we explore and navigate ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/advances-in-wayfinding-technology, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Event Automation & the Importance of a Mobile-First Strategy, date=December 08, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Event%20Automation%20&%20the%20Importance%20of%20a%20Mobile-First%20Strategy.png, snippet=We are seeing an unprecedented shift in how in-person and virtual experiences are evolving - automation serving as the driving force. This change has led to a metamorphosis if you will, of in-person events and experiences, born out of necessity. As ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/live-events-automation-mobile-first-strategy, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
Event Automation & the Importance of a Mobile-First Strategy
{title=How Workplace Technology is Powering the Future of Work, date=December 01, 2021, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/how%20workplace%20technology%20is%20powering%20the%20future%20of%20work.png, snippet=Workplace ecosystems have continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of both employees and employers to deliver the best possible experience. COVID-19 in particular has drastically shifted the day-to-day workplace experiences of many., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/workplace-technology-powering-future-of-work, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Why Vertical Content Is the Key to Creating Great Customer Experiences, date=October 13, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Executive Briefings], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/The%20Impressive%20Power%20of%20Data%20and%20How%20Its%20Shaping%20Future%20Offices%20%281%29.png, snippet=Know Your Audience, Build the Vertical and Deliver the Ideal Customer Experience In the age of the internet, it's easier than ever to keep your finger on the pulse of your industry, and that includes your customers. Even so, you must invest time and ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/vertical-content-key-to-great-customer-experiences, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Executive Briefings
Why Vertical Content Is the Key to Creating Great Customer Experiences
{title=How Data is Shaping the Future of the Office, date=October 12, 2021, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Return to Office], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/The%20Impressive%20Power%20of%20Data%20and%20How%20Its%20Shaping%20Future%20Offices-1.png, snippet=For many organizations, return to work timelines are spotty at best. Yeah, the big comeback is on the horizon but right now it tends to carry a general "soon" deadline. There are several reasons for it, including the new and evolved state of the ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/the-impressive-power-of-data-and-how-its-shaping-future-offices, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechReturn to Office
How Data is Shaping the Future of the Office
{title=Digital Trends Influencing Workplace Experience, date=October 07, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Workplace Trends], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/21%20-%201007%20-%20blog%20-%20digital%20trends%20influencing%20workplace%20experiences.jpg, snippet=A digital workplace solution should empower employees and teams, allowing for nuanced collaboration no matter the distance. It should provide a digital front-door to the company and all campus events. If yours doesn't, it's time for an upgrade., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/digital-trends-influencing-workplace-experience, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceWorkplace Trends
Digital Trends Influencing Workplace Experience
{title=Improving Employee Retention with a Workplace Mobile App, date=September 22, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/employee%20app%20retention-1.png, snippet=It's time we address the elephant in the room... You may be wondering, how can employers bridge the gap between off-site and on-site workers in a hybrid environment? Well it's much simpler than you may believe it to be: an employee app., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/the-immeasurable-value-of-employee-retention-and-how-an-app-can-improve-it, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=What Does Hosting a Hybrid Event Really Mean?, date=September 08, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/liveVirtualEvents.jpg, snippet=Virtual experiences are not going away anytime soon, and that's true for upcoming and future events, as well. But for those who are ready to get back to in-person, face-to-face events, the good news is that event organizations and corporate event ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/what-does-hosting-a-hybrid-event-really-mean, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Event Management
What Does Hosting a Hybrid Event Really Mean?
{title=Emerging Workplace Technology Trend: In-App Food Ordering, date=August 25, 2021, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Workplace Trends], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/connected%20workplace%20experience-1.png, snippet=Let's whet our appetite a little... Sticky toffee French toast layered in balsamic strawberries. Double bison burger with gooey smoked gouda cheese covered in onion jam. Spicy-sweet curry seafood gumbo with saffron rice. Prosciutto, fig, and ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/emerging-workplace-technology-trend-in-app-food-ordering, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechWorkplace Trends
Emerging Workplace Technology Trend: In-App Food Ordering
{title=Key Integrations that Extend & Enhance Employee Apps, date=August 13, 2021, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee App], image=https://cxapp.com/hubfs/CXApp%20Partner%20Integrations.png, snippet=When it comes to workplace experience, a smart campus app can be a powerful tool to keep employees engaged, informed and excited. With powerful features such as desk booking, reserving meeting rooms, finding a parking spot, locating colleagues and ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/key-integrations-employee-apps, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Why Desk Booking Solutions Are Key to the Return to Work, date=August 04, 2021, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking, Return to Office], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-why-desk-booking-solutions-are-the-key-to-the-return-to-work.png, snippet=To make way for the hybrid workforce, the workplace — and the offices where we do most of our business — is now dynamic and flexible. People, processes, and expectations all must be able to pivot to match the current needs of the workday. ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/why-desk-booking-solutions-are-key-to-the-return-to-work, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room BookingReturn to Office
Why Desk Booking Solutions Are Key to the Return to Work
{title=New Roles for the Future of Remote & Hybrid Work Experiences, date=July 28, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-new-roles-for-the-future-of-experiences.jpg, snippet=Ongoing transformation in the workplace has put a focus on reformed, sometimes niche roles to account for the varied experiences we're now seeing between working in the office, at home. The Chief Marketing Technology Officer, for example, is a role ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/new-roles-for-the-future-of-the-work-remote-and-hybrid-experiences, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Building Contextual Awareness Through Data-Driven Workplace Solutions, date=July 21, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-building-context-awareness-workplace-solutions.png, snippet=It's 10 am, do you know where your co-workers are? If you had access to smart technologies such as dynamic office mapping, smart office applications, and location awareness platforms, you'd know. It's an incredibly innovative employee experience ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/building-context-awareness-through-workplace-solutions, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Reducing Employee Turnover Starts with Evolving Your Workplace Experience, date=July 15, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-reduce-employee-turnover-with-evolving-workplace-experience.png, snippet=As companies start bringing employees back into the office, they need to be asking a very important question: "how will our physical office space meet employees' needs?" These needs can include working spaces, meeting rooms, resources for ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/reduce-employee-turnover-enhance-workplace-experience, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
Reducing Employee Turnover Starts with Evolving Your Workplace Experience
{title=Improving Employee Retention through Workplace Experience Technologies, date=July 06, 2021, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/BlogImage-Improving-Employee-Retention-Workplace-Experience.jpg, snippet=As companies begin taking steps to bring employees back into the office, there has been much debate and a range of opinions on what that will look like. Will employees work remotely from home, in person at the office, or will hybrid workplaces ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/improving-employee-retention-workplace-experience, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
Improving Employee Retention through Workplace Experience Technologies
{title=Welcome to the New Workplace - Where the Employee is the Customer, date=June 24, 2021, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Welcome%20to%20the%20New%20Workplace%20-%20Where%20the%20Employee%20is%20the%20Customer.png, snippet=Today's organizations spend a lot of time, and invest a lot of resources, into understanding the average customer. That is commendable, and it makes sense from a top-down perspective, but it also bypasses one very important aspect or component of ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/welcome-to-the-new-workplace-where-the-employee-is-the-customer, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
Welcome to the New Workplace - Where the Employee is the Customer
{title=Why the Hybrid Workplace is the Future of Work, date=June 09, 2021, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-hybrid-workplace.png, snippet=According to a study done by Robert Half, over 49% of employees prefer a hybrid working option. With many offices re-opening their corporate campuses the conversation has shifted to how organizations can combine remote working policies with an ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/hybrid-workplace-future-of-work, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Why Culture Still Matters In a Hybrid Work Model, date=May 26, 2021, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Hybrid Work], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/shutterstock_188617211.jpg, snippet=With a distributed workforce - working in a hybrid work model - you can work from home, the office, a coffee shop, or anywhere. While it does offer benefits, and people love the idea, it can also do a number on the company's internal culture., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/no-worker-left-behind-why-culture-still-matters-in-a-hybrid-work-model, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Indoor Mapping for Workplace Mobile Apps, date=April 14, 2021, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-image-indoor-mapping-engine.png, snippet=As a key component of our platform for many years, indoor mapping is an instrumental pillar to the Workplace SuperApp. CXApp's office maps maps enable organizations to completely change the dynamic of their buildings; making indoor spaces smart, ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/indoor-mapping-workplace-mobile-apps, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=How to Build Exceptional Tenant Experiences with Location Technology, date=March 24, 2021, author=Adam Benson, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Corporate Real Estate], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blog%20Thumbnail%20-%20tenant%20experiences%20location%20tech.png, snippet=Our working world has changed. While many organizations are heading back into the office, many won't be requiring their employees to be on-site every day. Work-from-home has become work-from-anywhere, physical offices have become collaboration ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-to-build-exceptional-tenant-experiences, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceCorporate Real Estate
How to Build Exceptional Tenant Experiences with Location Technology
{title=Building Workplace Experience in a Work-from-Anywhere World, date=March 23, 2021, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Man%20Collaborating%20Remotely%20with%20Colleagues%20on%20Tablet.png, snippet=A restructured and dynamic workplace experience is needed to meet the demands of the future of work., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/building-workplace-experience-in-a-work-from-anywhere-world, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
Building Workplace Experience in a Work-from-Anywhere World
{title=Why an Office App is Vital for the Digital Workplace, date=March 16, 2021, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Smart%20Campus%20App%20%281%29-1.png, snippet=A Workplace SuperApp will keep employees connected in today's work-from-anywhere business landscape, but also provides powerful on-site touchpoints to provide context for workers based on who they are, where they are, and what needs they have., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/why-an-office-app-is-vital-for-next-generation-smart-campuses, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=How to Transform into a Smart Office, date=March 11, 2021, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-image-smart-office-work.png, snippet=Across industries and sectors, organizations are embracing the revolutionary capabilities made possible by the connected workplace. In our recent overview of smart offices, we introduced the concept of bringing people and physical space together in ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-to-transform-into-a-smart-office, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=What Does a True 'Smart Office' Really Look Like?, date=February 17, 2021, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-image-smart-office.png, snippet=The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime, which is roughly 30% of their life. Since this is where people spend most of their time, it's key to make this space as efficient and accessible as possible to improve employee ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/what-is-a-smart-office-what-does-it-look-like, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=User Accessibility In the Connected Workplace, date=February 16, 2021, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Featured%20Image%20-%20User%20Accessibility%20In%20the%20Connected%20Workplace-4.png, snippet=Platforms and services need to be convenient, all-inclusive, and engaging. In today's hyper-intense market, there is no other way., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/user-accessibility-in-the-connected-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
User Accessibility In the Connected Workplace
{title=Customer Meeting & Executive Briefing Trends, date=February 02, 2021, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Executive Briefings], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/The%20Event%20Industry%20Journey%20%282%29.png, snippet=How companies create new and unique experiences that customers remember - will make a measurable impact in this new year and new world of business., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/customer-meeting-executive-briefing-trends, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Executive Briefings
Customer Meeting & Executive Briefing Trends
{title=3 Key Benefits of Indoor Maps for Workplaces, date=January 27, 2021, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Wayfinding%20%281%29.png, snippet=Our dependence on maps has grown to the extent we cannot navigate without them. We've gone from paper maps to digitized maps on devices that depend on GPS. This is all great for the outside world, but what's taking place inside corporate buildings? ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/benefits-of-indoor-maps-for-workplaces, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Virtual and Hybrid Event Tech Trends For Better Attendee Experiences, date=December 15, 2020, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Event Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/5%20Effective%20Networking%20Ideas%20for%20Hybrid%20&%20Virtual%20Events-Mar-09-2023-08-57-22-0848-PM.png, snippet=Like it or not, the world is a different place now than it was even just a half a year ago. Everyone, and every business, has been affected., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/virtual-and-hybrid-event-tech-trends-to-improve-attendee-experiences, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=The Simple Process Of Reserving A Workstation In the Office, date=December 03, 2020, author=David Xides, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Young%20female%20businesswoman%20in%20the%20office.jpeg, snippet=Does everything have to be so complicated? No. No, it really does not., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/the-simple-process-of-reserving-a-workstation-in-the-office, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
The Simple Process Of Reserving A Workstation In the Office
{title=6 Ways Desk Scheduling Helps the New World of Work, date=November 10, 2020, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/pexels-pixabay-459654.jpg, snippet=A well-designed and real-time desk scheduling and workplace experience platform is the key to managing a hybrid workplace, with people balancing time between on-site and off., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/6-ways-desk-scheduling-helps-the-new-world-of-work, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
6 Ways Desk Scheduling Helps the New World of Work
{title=The Big Companies Turning To Flex Office Space, date=October 20, 2020, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Trends], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/INCREASING%20EMPLOYEE%20ENGAGEMENT%20THROUGH%20MOBILE%20%285%29.png, snippet=As companies plan their office re-entry and back to work strategies, there's only one way to go, and that's towards creating flex space. What's most important, however, is how that space is used., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/big-companies-turning-to-flex-office-space, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Trends
The Big Companies Turning To Flex Office Space
{title=3 Advantages of Desk Booking Software & Flexible Workspaces, date=September 15, 2020, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Three%20Advantages%20of%20Desk%20Booking%20Software%20and%20Flexible%20Workspaces-2.png, snippet=Thanks to the current state of things, we're constantly faced with new protocols related to when and where we work. Whether that includes making a dedicated space for ourselves at home, finding an isolated area of an office, or somewhere else ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/three-advantages-of-desk-booking-software-and-flexible-workspaces, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
3 Advantages of Desk Booking Software & Flexible Workspaces
{title=How Technology Is Empowering the Contactless Work Environments We Need, date=August 18, 2020, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/smartConnectedWorkplaces.png, snippet=The world has been irrevocably changed. There's no direct road back to conventional workplaces. But employees do want a return to normalcy and in-office collaboration, which calls for more contactless interactions and the environments to protect the ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-technology-is-empowering-the-contactless-work-environments-we-need, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Conference Room Attributes Help Efficient Space Usage In The Workplace, date=August 11, 2020, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/CONFERENCE%20ROOM%20ATTRIBUTES-1.png, snippet=As companies grow to be more agile over time, workspaces need to become more flexible. There are several reasons for this, but none more important than the fact that the efficient management of work stations and shared spaces should always be a top ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/conference-room-attributes-are-vital-to-efficient-space-usage-in-the-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
Conference Room Attributes Help Efficient Space Usage In The Workplace
{title=The Core Components Of A Connected Workplace Ecosystem, date=July 23, 2020, author=Inpixon, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/CIoT_PartnerProgramFounder_dpi300.png, snippet=IoT will play a significant role in any robust back to work strategy - leveraging mobile apps, connected devices, and networks to:, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/the-core-components-of-a-connected-workplace-ecosystem, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=10 Functions for Workplace Technology, date=July 07, 2020, author=Leon Papkoff, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Return to Office], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/marten-bjork-6dW3xyQvcYE-unsplash.jpg, snippet=By now, everyone knows that the return to work — if it hasn't already happened for your business — will be an unprecedented process. The state of today's world demands a remarkably different work environment than the one we left., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/10-ways-the-cxapp-is-helping-offices-reopen, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechReturn to Office
10 Functions for Workplace Technology
{title=An Increase In Office App Usage While Working From Home (stats), date=May 26, 2020, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee Engagement, Employee App], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/stylish-adult-female-using-smartphone-on-street-3774903.jpg, snippet=The modern workplace, as we know it, has been disassembled. Nearly everything has shifted to a work-from-home (WFH) setup. According to about 6 in 10 managers, 55% believe we are beginning to see a change in remote work policies. A whopping 52% also ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/addressing-employee-engagement-through-mobility, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Employee EngagementEmployee App
An Increase In Office App Usage While Working From Home (stats)
{title=Internal Communication Stats & Trends To Consider, date=January 23, 2020, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience, Workplace Trends], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/improve%20employee%20engagement.png, snippet=When we think about workplace experience, often we go to tools, technology, leadership and other facets first that we want to fix or improve upon. Its not necessarily a given to reflect on your internal communications strategy., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/internal-comms-stats-trends-to-consider, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace ExperienceWorkplace Trends
Internal Communication Stats & Trends To Consider
{title=A Closer Look At Space as a Service, date=September 24, 2019, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Corporate Real Estate], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/architecture-blue-sky-buildings-290275.jpg, snippet=, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/a-closer-look-at-space-as-a-service, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Corporate Real Estate
A Closer Look At Space as a Service
{title=How Indoor Maps Facilitate Facilities Management, date=September 24, 2019, author=Alex Le, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Facility Management], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/blog-image-facilities-hvac-Jul-10-2020-07-32-28-44-PM-2.jpg, snippet=Autumn is an exciting time in the world of property technology. In October, CoreNet Global's North American summit will bring together thousands of corporate real estate industry professionals. The aim of the summit is to connect and explore the ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-indoor-maps-facilitate-facilities-management, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechFacility Management
How Indoor Maps Facilitate Facilities Management
{title=Meeting Management and Space Allocation in the Modern Workplace, date=August 20, 2019, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/amy-hirschi-JaoVGh5aJ3E-unsplash.jpg, snippet=How a Mobile App Enhances Teamwork and Collaboration On-The-Go, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/meeting-management-and-space-allocation-in-the-modern-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Desk & Room Booking
Meeting Management and Space Allocation in the Modern Workplace
{title=How to Take Employee Experience to the Next Level, date=June 20, 2019, author=Inpixon, types={name=null}, tags=[Workplace Experience], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Tips%20For%20Employee%20Experience.png, snippet=10 Tips For a More Engaged and Productive Team, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-to-take-employee-experience-to-the-next-level, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Workplace Experience
How to Take Employee Experience to the Next Level
{title=Ten Best Practices for Boosting Employee Engagement, date=May 21, 2019, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Employee Engagement], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/mimi-thian-737030-unsplash.jpg, snippet=Building Engagement is About Fostering More Productive, Loyal and Happy Employees. These are the Tips that Will Help You Achieve That., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/ten-best-practices-for-boosting-employee-engagement, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Employee Engagement
Ten Best Practices for Boosting Employee Engagement
{title=Top 5 Benefits of Geolocation Technology for Workplaces, date=May 03, 2019, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Blue%20vivid%20image%20of%20globe.%20Globalization%20concept.%20Elements%20of%20this%20image%20are%20furnished%20by%20NASA.jpeg, snippet=Chances are, at some point, you've used GPS to guide you when driving (unless you live under a rock). So you should have no problem imagining the usefulness of location services such as indoor office mapping. Just like GPS for your car, only this ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/top-5-benefits-of-geolocation-technology, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=The Rise of Smart Spaces: Going Digital in a Physical World, date=March 19, 2019, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/shutterstock_251095102.jpg, snippet=Great News for Meeting Profs and Employee Engagement!, link=https://cxapp.com/blog/what-it-means-to-go-digital-in-a-physical-world-the-rise-of-smart-spaces, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Your Most Valuable Sales Tool: The Executive Briefing Center, date=November 27, 2018, author=Andrea Williams, types={name=null}, tags=[Executive Briefings], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/accounting-bill-black-53621.jpg, snippet=Sales Enablement Has Changed Irrevocably Due to Modern Tech., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/introducing-your-most-valuable-sales-tool-the-executive-briefing-center, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Executive Briefings
Your Most Valuable Sales Tool: The Executive Briefing Center
{title=Measuring Employee Performance in the Digital Workplace, date=September 30, 2015, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Productivity & Collaboration], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Measuring_employee_performance_in_the_Digital_Workplace-Jul-10-2020-07-34-15-08-PM-2.jpg, snippet=In a recent, much-talked-about decision, Accenture has decided to forego the obsolete annual performance reviews for all its 330,000 employees. The decision was brought one by the new generation shaping the workplace, Millennials or Gen Y, who is ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/measuring-employee-performance-in-the-digital-workplace, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
Productivity & Collaboration
Measuring Employee Performance in the Digital Workplace
{title=How Wayfinding Helps With Onboarding New Employees, date=September 18, 2015, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Onboarding-new-employees-1-Jul-10-2020-07-35-07-96-PM-2.jpg, snippet=The first few weeks on the job can be overwhelming for employees - new colleagues, new tools, trainings and induction sessions, not to mention finding their way around campus. It's the little details that can really determine those first experiences ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/how-wayfinding-helps-with-onboarding-new-employees, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
{title=Office Hotdesking and Enterprise Wayfinding, date=May 15, 2015, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech, Desk & Room Booking], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/Wayfinding_Room_Reservation-2-2.jpg, snippet=One of the biggest potential benefits of hoteling (otherwise known as "hot desks") is its role in attracting and retaining NextGen workers. The millennial generation has an entirely different attitude about where and how they want to work. While the ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/office-hoteling-and-enterprise-wayfinding, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}
WorktechDesk & Room Booking
Office Hotdesking and Enterprise Wayfinding
{title=4 Benefits of Wayfinding on a Corporate Campus, date=April 15, 2015, author=Chris Wiegand, types={name=null}, tags=[Worktech], image=https://23501314.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/23501314/Imported_Blog_Media/4_Benefits_of_Wayfinding_on_a_Corporate_Campus-3-2.jpg, snippet=One of the characteristics of the Digital Workspace that Gartner identified in their Hype Cycle for Workplace 2014 article is that it enables new and better ways of working. This is precisely what wayfinding does, by integrating various ..., link=https://cxapp.com/blog/benefits-of-wayfinding-on-a-corporate-campus, linkText=Read Post, newTab=false}